65th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC)
- Ray Tracing Simulation of Defects of 4H-SiC in 22-4 16 Reflection of Synchrotron monochromatic Beam X-Ray Topography in Grazing Incident Geometry
Zeyu Chen, Yafei Liu, Qianyu Cheng, Shanshan Hu, Balaji Raghothamachar Reza Ghandi, Stacey Kennerly and Michael Dudley
- Analysis of Distribution of Threading Edge Dislocation Low Angle Grain Boundaries in 4H-SiC Wafers through Synchrotron X-Ray Topography
Qianyu Cheng, Yafei Liu, Zeyu Chen, Shanshan Hu, Balaji Raghothamachar and Michael Dudley
- Investigation of Defect Formation During Initial Stage of PVT-Grown 4H-SiC Crystals
Shanshan Hu, Yafei Liu, Qianyu Cheng, Zeyu Chen, Balaji Raghothamachar and Michael Dudley
- Characterization of Growth Sectors in Patterned HVPE Gallium Nitride Substrate Wafers
Yafei Liu, Shanshan Hu, Qianyu Cheng, Zeyu Chen, Balaji Raghothamachar and Michael Dudley
- (Invited) Application of Synchrotron X-Ray Topography Techniques to the Analysis of Defect Microstructures in Bulk GaN Substrates and Epilayers for Power Devices
Yafei Liu, Shanshan Hu, Zeyu Chen, Qianyu Cheng, Balaji Raghothamachar and Michael Dudley
- Mechanism of Stacking Fault multiplication 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers via an Interaction with
Screw and Mixed Dislocations
Nadeemullah Mahadik, Michael Dudley, Balaji Raghothamachar, Zeyu Chen, Robert
Stahlbush, Miguel Hinojosa, Aivars Lelis and Woongje Sung
- Investigating Dislocation Arrays Induced by Seed Scratches during PVT 4H-SiC Crystal Growth using Synchrotron X-Ray Topography
Qianyu Cheng, Yafei Liu, Zeyu Chen, Shanshan Hu, Balaji Raghothamachar, Michael Dudley,
Vladimir Pushkarev, Kevin Moeggenborg, Gil Chung and Edward Sanchez
- Analysis of Lattice Damage in 4H-SiC Epiwafers Implanted with High Energy Al Ions at Elevated Temperatures
Zeyu Chen, Yafei Liu, Qianyu Cheng, Shanshan Hu, Balaji Raghothamachar, Reza Ghandi,
Stacey Kennerly, Charles Carlson, Dannie Steski and Michael Dudley
- Analysis of Defect Structures During the Early Stages of PVT Growth of 4H-SiC Crystals
Shanshan Hu, Yafei Liu, Qianyu Cheng, Zeyu Chen, Balaji Raghothamachar, Michael Dudley, Douglas Dukes, Victor Torres, Liam Young, Sam Griswold and Hunter Briccetti
- Characterization of Growth Sectors in Gallium Nitride Substrate Wafers
Yafei Liu, Shanshan Hu, Zeyu Chen, Qianyu Cheng, Balaji Raghothamachar and Michael
- Investigation of dislocation behaviors in 4H-SiC under thermal treatment
Hongyu Peng, Yuhan Gao, Shuchun Zhao, Chao Gao, Zeyu Chen, Balaji Raghothamachar
and Michael Dudley
- Synchrotron X-Ray Topography Studies for Defect Formation at the Early Stage of PVT-Grown 4H-SiC Crystals
Shanshan Hu, Yafei Liu, Qianyu Cheng, Zeyu Chen, Balaji Raghothamachar
and Michael Dudley
- Analysis of Basal Plane Dislocation Motion Induced By P+ Ion Implantation Using Synchrotron X-Ray Topography
Zeyu Chen, Yafei Liu, Qianyu Cheng, Shanshan Hu, Balaji Raghothamachar
and Michael Dudley
- Investigating the Distribution Pattern of Threading Edge Dislocation Low Angle Grain Boundaries in 4H-SiC Wafers Using Synchrotron X-Ray Topography
Qianyu Cheng, Yafei Liu, Zeyu Chen, Shanshan Hu, Balaji Raghothamachar
and Michael Dudley
- Investigation of Growth Sectors in Gallium Nitride Substrate Wafers from Ammonothermal and Patterned Hvpe Growth Methods
Yafei Liu, Shanshan Hu, Zeyu Chen, Qianyu Cheng, Balaji Raghothamachar
and Michael Dudley