Welcome to Yuefan Deng’s website!
- AMS 326 (Numerical Analysis) (Spring ’25): T/T 3:30-4:50 pm. Frey 317.
- AMS 361 (Applied Calculus IV) (Spring ’25): T/T 5-6:20 pm. Frey 102.
- AMS 530 (Parallel Computing) (Fall ’24): T/T 5-6:20 pm. Physics P129.
- Graduate Students’ Group Meeting (All Year): W 10-11:30 am. All in Deng’s Zoom Room.
- Office Hours (Spring ’25): T/T 2-3:30 pm in Physical Office 1 (see below).
Contact Options:
- Physical Office 1: A135 Physics during academic semesters.
- Physical Office 2: Suite 358 CEWIT during summer and winter breaks.
- Email: Yuefan.Deng@StonyBrook.edu.
- Text/WhatsApp/Voice: +1-631-877-7979.
- Deng’s Zoom Room.
- AMS Department Web Entry.
- IACS Web Entry.