The RCN held its first workshop (of the three planned workshops in 4-year duration) at Stony Brook University on April 19-20, 2018. For the workshop program, please see: NSF RCN Workshop Program April 19-20
The post-event summary can be found here.
You can find info on the presenters and videos below.
Day 1 (Thursday, April 19)
Presentation: What is S&CC? (Video)
Presenter: Kaan Ozbay is a Professor/Program Director at New York University’s Connected Cities with Smart Transportation Program and some of his research work includes advanced technology application for transportation modeling, system simulation, ITS sophistication, and network optimization.
Presentation: S&CC & Aging Population: The U.S. Perspective (Video)
Presenter: Wendy Nilsen is a Professor/Program Director at the Smart and Connected Health program at the National Science Foundation and she leads initiatives exploring the dynamic between technology and health with meetings and training institutes.
Presentation: S&CC & Aging Population: The European Perspective (Video)
Presenter: Knud Erik Skouby is a Professor/Program Director at the Center for Communication, Media, and Information Technologies at the Aalborg University in Copenhagen and his major research concerns the issues of privacy and cybersecurity in the connected internet of things environment.
Presentation: The NSF Research Coordination Network and the Scope (Video)
Presenter: Anil Yazici is a Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering at Stony Brook University and his research interests are urban data analytics, smart cities, transportation security and network analysis.
Presentation: Characteristics and Needs of Lonely Adults Aging in Place in the US: Exploring Data from the Health and Retirement Study (Video)
Presenter: Zachary Morris and Melissa Bessaha are Professors at The School of Social Welfare at Stony Brook University and their research interests include social isolation and loneliness, social policy design and policy evaluation.
Presentation: E-Referral for Community Complex Care Response Team to Improve Geriatric Public Health Outcomes
Presenter: Fuad Abujarad is a Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine and his interests are the application of computer science and technical tool design and development for benefits in the realm of public health, clinical and health services research.
Video: The video is not published due to the presenter’s request. Please contact for more information
Presentation: The Potential for Smart and Connected Communities to Support Transportation Needs of Adults Aging with Sensory or Mobility Impairments (Video)
Presenter: Lyndsie M. Koon is a Post Doctoral Research Associate in the Human Factors and Aging Laboratory at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and her research concerns the physical and social dynamics of exercise influence the cognitive development of aging adults.
Presentation: Increasing Access to Transportation in Rural Communities: The Rural Transportation Toolkit (Video)
Presenter: Alycia I. Bayne is a Senior Research Scientist in the NORC program at the University of Chicago and her work revolves around data collection, evaluation, and communication as part of research studies about public health policy and underserved populations.
Presentation: Growing Older, Better… What’s Mobility Got to Do with It? (Video)
Presenter: Karen Alexander is Managing Director, New Jersey Travel Independence Program – NJTIP @ Rutgers, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center, Rutgers University.
Presentation: The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) and Inclusive Coordinated Transportation Planning Transportation Toolkit (Video)
Presenter: Virginia Dize is the Program Director & Co-Director of National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) and her major work focuses on managing and coordinating the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging transportation operations and projects,
Presentation: The Right Home (Video)
Presenter: Marty Bell is the Executive Director of the National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC).
Presentation: Early Recognition and Prediction of Human Activities for Homes of the Future (Video)
Presenter: Minh Hoai Nguyen is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University and his interests include machine learning to develop sophisticated computer vision algorithms for practical applications in surveillance, healthcare, and advanced human-computer interaction.
Day 2 (Friday, April 20)
Presentation: In-Vehicle Technologies and Older Drivers (Video)
Presenter: David Eby is a Research Professor, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and his major research focuses on the many factors affecting traffic safety, safe mobility, and the application of technology to promote safe mobility.
Presentation: Multi-disciplinary research on transportation for the aging population in Florida: Technology and Future Directions (Video)
Presenter: John Sobanjo is the Director of Center for Accessibility and Safe Transportation for an Aging Population (ASAP) and Professor at Civil end Environmental Engineering at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
Presentation: Do Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Improve Older Driver Performance? (Video)
Presenter: Neil Charness is the Director of the Institute on Successful Longevity at Florida State University and his current research includes the study of design and use of technology by the aging population and the dynamic of the aging driver and road travel.
Presentation: Spatial Analytical Approaches to quantify uncertainty in community vulnerability models (Video)
Presenter: Arda Vanli is a Professor in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and his research interests are the design of experiments including a time series analysis and forecasting projected changes with statistical modeling and optimization.
Presentation: Creating age-friendly communities to support safe mobility for an ageing population (Video)
Presenter: Jude Charlton is the Director of Monash University Accident Research Center (MUARC) in Australia and she leads a research group on the safety and mobility of aging as well as impaired drivers which has shaped public policy and road management practices.
Presentation: Evacuating and Sheltering Older Adults: Lessons to Be Learned towards Smarter Emergency Response (Video)
Presenter: Eren Erman Ozguven is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and his research interests include emergency operations modeling, planning and management in terms of transportation mobility in smart cities and intelligent transportation systems.
Presentation: Technology Adoption & Empowerment Strategies for Older Adults in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Environments (Video)
Presenter: Alex Glazebrook is the Director of Technology and Training at Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) and he leads a technical education program for seniors in addition to analyzing and implementing technological channels to better deliver support.
Presentation: Independent Transportation Network of America at 1,000,000 rides: What have we learned? (Video)
Presenter: Katherine Freund is the President of Independent Transportation Network of America (ITNAmerica) and is passionate about providing alternative transportation solutions to the aging population to positively influence their lives.
Presentation: City-scalable Destination Recommender System for On-demand Senior Mobility
Presenter: Joseph Chow is a Professor in the Department Civil and Urban Engineering at New York University and his research includes multimodal transportation networks in a smart city and transportation economics and logistics.
Video: The video is not published due to the presenter’s request. Please contact for more information