
Independent Transportation Network of America (ITNAmerica) 

ITNAmerica, founded Katherine Freund, is the only national nonprofit transportation network for older adults and people with visual impairments. ITNAmerica’s involvement with the RCN helps to reach out to a target population who will provide valuable input regarding the adoption of emerging transportation technologies, such as autonomous vehicles.

Older Adults Technology Services (OATS)

OATS is a social impact organization and aims to engineer solutions that help older adults use technology to achieve meaningful outcomes. OATS’ partnership with various government agencies, community-based organizations, national advocacy groups, and major corporations will enable RCN to carry out research directions for aging population’s use of ICT for emergency and safety services.

The National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC)

NAIPC is an organization which advocates for policies, regulations and business practices that promote Aging in Place, which refers to an adult living in the residence of her/his choice without the challenges of access to basic needs. NAIPC hosts local chapters all around the nation and hosts regular conferences regarding the housing needs of the aging population. NAIPC will not only facilitate connections with the aging population community, but will also help the RCN to access policy makers and planners for housing. NAIPC conferences are also targeted by the RCN to recruit new members as well as to showcase the RCN research and mission.





Healthy aging program under The New York Academy of Medicine has been involved in policy making effort towards higher technology use of older adults for connectivity and emergency event response. The program director Lindsay Goldman brings into RCN her extensive experience including managing Age-friendly NYC, the Academy’s partnership with the City Council and the Office of the Mayor to improve all aspects of city life for older people.