RCN Organization

The RCN includes project five PIs from three leading institutions, and a steering committee (SC), which constitutes all the Co-PIs and senior personnel on the proposal, and represents the communities of participants that will be brought together by the network. The RCN members are listed in the table below with respect to RCN themes and their roles (the PI and Co-PIs are marked with *, and SC members are marked with bold face. The contact person of each theme (also PI or co-PI) is marked with italic font. A schematic representation of RCN is also presented at the bottom of the page.

Theme Researchers Covered Disciplines Expertise Community Organizations, Industrial Partners
Transportation Anil Yazici*, David Eby*, Neil Charness, Camille Kamga,  Lisa Molnar, Kathrine Freund, Margaret Neal, Joseph Mitchell, Alain Kornhauser, Judith Carlton, Michel Bedard, Jennie Oxley, Sjaan Koppel Civil Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Psychology, Transportation Safety, Gerontology Smart Cities, Vehicle Routing, Transportation Technology, Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, Vehicle Routing and Optimization, Public Transportation, Age-friendly Cities Independent Transportation Network of America (ITNAmerica),


Public Safety/Emergency Services Eren Erman Ozguven*,  Walter Boot*, Karl Kim, Mark Horner, John Sobanjo, Jon Carnegie, Ren Moses, Lisa Spainhour, Yassir Abdelrazig Civil Engineering, Geography, Public Policy and Planning, Psychology Emergency evacuation, humanitarian inventory management, transportation equity Older Adults Technology Services (OATS)

The New York Academy of Medicine

Housing Jackie Mondros*, Minh Hoai Nguyen, Dimitris Samaras, Mihalis Golias, Anne Barrett, Reza Arghandeh, Arda Vanli, Maxim A. Dulebenets, Anu Siren Social Work, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Sociology,

Electrical Engineering

Smart Home Technologies, Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Smart Logistics and Freight, Public Policy The National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC)