Conference Papers and Talks


Nehm, RH, Abreu, E., Sbeglia, G. (2023). Epistemic aims, explanation types, and evolution learning. Paper presented at the national meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching. (Chicago, April)

Sbeglia, G. Nehm RH. (2023) Does evolution coursework mitigate, maintain, or exacerbate educational debt? Equity implications for the evolutionary sciences. Paper presented at the national meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching. (Chicago, April)

Nehm, RH. (2023) Distributing epistemic functions and tasks–towards a methodological approach for using ML in science education. Paper set discussant at the national meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching. (Chicago, April)


GC Sbeglia, RH Nehm (2022). A mixed-methods study of the importance of family-level variables to evolution-related perspectives and careers in Black undergraduates. National Association of Research in Science Teaching. (April)

Nehm, R.H. (2022) Invited talk. “Predictive Learning Analytics in University Settings: Promise and Pitfalls” at the University of Hannover (Germany). (November)

Nehm, R.H. (2022) Invited talk. Evolution education through the lens of three-dimensional learning. Third International Workshop on Evolution and Genetics Education. University of Keil, Germany. June

Nehm, R.H. (2022) Plenary talk. AI in Biology Education: Automation and Transformation. AI in STEM Education Conference. University of Georgia. May


Nehm, R.H. (2021). Invited Panelist at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine round table on role of data and assessments in undergraduate life sciences education reform. September.

*GC Sbeglia, RH Nehm (2021). Linking cognitive and measurement frameworks in studies of evolution acceptance. Symposium on Measuring Evolution Acceptance – Testing Validity Inferences and Understanding Response Patterns. European Science Education Research Association. September 

*RH Nehm, GC Sbeglia (2021). Shifts in students’ explanation types after evolution instruction: implications for addressing teleology. Symposium.TELEOLOGY IN BIOLOGY EDUCATION: KEY CHALLENGES AHEAD. European Science Education Research Association. September 

*RH Nehm, GC Sbeglia E Abreu (2021). Learning evolution through epistemic reframing: exploring the associations among explanation types, key concepts, and misconceptions pre- and post-instruction. “Future Directions in Evolution Education” Invited talk IPN, Keil, Germany. June 15-17.

RH Nehm, *GC Sbeglia, Finch, S., *Colton, J. (2021). The importance of explicit attention to evolution misconceptions: A large-scale, quasi-experimental, multi-instrument study of learning outcomes. Evolution 2021: Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN) (June)

*GC Sbeglia, RH Nehm (2021). Identifying and dismantling barriers to evolutionary biology interests and outcomes in minoritized students: Examples from gateway biology. Evolution 2021: Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB),
and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN) (June)

*Sbeglia, G. C.​, *Goodridge, J., *Gordon, L. Nehm, R. H.​ (​2021​). Measuring Faculty Enactment of Evidence‐Based Teaching in Undergraduate STEM: The Role of Observation Sampling Intensity” at the national meeting of the American Educational Research Association (April).

*GC Sbeglia, RH Nehm (2021). “The Impact of Biology Instruction on Evolution Acceptance and Conflict in Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates” at the national meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching. (April)


Sbeglia, G.C., Nehm, R.H. (2020). Valdiation of the SECM (Scales of Evolutionary Conflict Measure). Australian Science Education Research Association.

Feilder, D., ​Sbeglia, G.C.​, Harms, U., Nehm, R.H. (​2020​). ​Threshold Concepts in Novices’and Experts’ Evolutionary Explanations. Paper accepted for presentation at ​the international meetingof the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual InternationalConference, Portland, OR.

Goodridge, J., Gordon, L. Nehm, R. H., ​Sbeglia, G. C.​ (​2020​). ​Are Faculty Changing?Sampling effects on measures of instructor adoption of evidence-based teaching practices. Paperaccepted for presentation at ​the international meeting of the National Association for Research inScience Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference, Portland, OR


Paula P. Lemons, Jill McCourt, Patricia Zagallo, Michelle K. Smith, Jennifer K. Knight, Tessa C. Andrews, Kevin Haudek, Robert Idsardi, Claire Meaders, John Merrill, Ross Nehm, Karen Pelletreau, Luanna B. Prevost, and Mark Urban-Lurain (2019) Teaching Professional Development: A Trajectory Toward Effectively Fostering a Focus on Student Thinking. Talk presented at SABER, Minneapolis, MN.


Lemons, P.P., Haudek, K., Hoskinson, A-M., Jescovitch, L., Knight, J.K., Merrill, J., Nehm, R., Prevost, L., Smith, M.K., Sripathi, K., Urban-Lurain, M., and Wilson, C. (2018) Seeking Synergy: K-12 Professional Development as a Model for College Science Faculty. Talk presented at the Association of American Colleges and Universities Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference, Atlanta, GA.

 Zagallo, P., McCourt, J. Idsardi, B., Haudek, K., Knight, J., Merrill, J., Nehm, R.H., Prevost, L., Smith, M., Urban-Lurain, M., Lemons, P. (2018). Through the eyes of faculty: using personas as a tool for user-centered professional development. SABER (Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research) National Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. July.

 Sbeglia, G., Xue, Y., Finch, S., Nehm, R.H. (2018). Using data mining methods to quantify the contributions of institutional and course-specific data to student success predictions
, Stony Brook University. SABER (Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research) National Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. July.

Sripathi, K. Moscarella, R., Nehm, R.H., Yoho, R. You, S. Urban-Lurain, M., Haudek, K., Merrill, J. (2018). Mixed Students Ideas about Tracing Matter across Biological Scales in the Context of Human Weight Loss. SABER (Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research) National Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Sbeglia, G., Nehm, R.H. (2018). Disparities in URM evolution acceptance: implications for diversifying the biological sciences. SABER (Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research) National Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. July.

Nehm, R.H., Fiedler, D., Sbeglia, G.C., U. Harms (2018). Knowledge of Randomness and Probability as Predictor for Understanding and Acceptance of Evolution. Symposium presentation at the European Researchers in the Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB) conference. University of Zaragoza, Spain, July 3.

Nehm, R.H. (2018). Inclusive Excellence at Stony Brook University. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Peer Implementation Cluster (PIC) meeting, Northeastern University, Boston, June 22nd.

Sbeglia, G., Nehm, R.H. (2018). Disparities in Underrepresented Minority Evolution Acceptance: Implications for Diversifying the Biological Sciences. Paper presented at the SUNY-Industry Conference and Showcase: Science and Engineering for Social Good conference. June 5th.

 Fiedler, D., Nehm, R.H., Sbeglia, G., Harms, U. (2018). The Role of Statistical Thinking in Learning, Understanding, and Accepting Evolution. Paper presented at the international meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) conference, Atlanta.

 Colton, J. Sbeglia, G., Finch, S., Nehm, R.H. (2018). A Quasi-experimental Study of Short- and Long-term Learning of Evolution in Misconception-Focused Classes. Paper presented at the American  Educational Research Association International conference (AERA). New York, NY.