Coastal and Hydraulic Engineering Research Laboratory
Wave Gage
The flume is equipped with 16 Edinburgh Designs WG8USB resistive wave gages sampling water levels at a rate of up to 128 Hz.
Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV)
Three Nortek Vectrino ADVs with a sampling rate of 200 Hz are available for 3D flow velocity field measurements.
Nortek Vectrino Profiler
The Vectrino Profiler is a profiling Velocimeter that can measure the 3D velocity at rates up to 100 Hz. It is primarily designed for laboratory use but has successfully found use also in field applications such as swash velocity measurements on the beach. The basic measurement technology is coherent Doppler processing, which is characterized by accurate data at high rates with no appreciable zero offset.
Nortek Vectrino Lab Velocimeter
The Vectrino is a high-resolution acoustic velocimeter used to measure 3D water velocity in a wide variety of applications from the laboratory to the ocean. The basis measurement technology is coherent Doppler processing, which is characterized by accurate data with no appreciable zero
Pressure Sensors
10 high accuracy PCB-113B28 pressure sensors sampling pressure range of up to 50 psi at a frequency of 500 kHz are available for measuring hydrodynamic pressures.
Load Sensor
Two high precision PCB 208C03-500 lb compression-tension load sensors (load cells) are available for wave impact loads measurements
Bed Profiler
The lab is equipped with a state-of-the-art HR-Wallingford’s HRBP-1070bed profiling system. The bed profiling system is used to assess the