Hello! My name is Daniela Robles and welcome to my Writing 102 Portfolio. I’ve had extensive experience in writing and took advanced placement English classes in high school. These classes are where I learned the most about writing and I am no stranger to argument, research and rhetorical analysis papers. Writing 102 has been a valuable class that has helped me refine my writing skills and reiterate concepts that I initially learned in high school. My work is usually based around topics that I am passionate about. For example, I enjoy talking about and educating myself on issues that plague marginalized people. I feel that it’s very important to be a social activist in times where citizens of this country are facing polarization and discrimination. These interests are reflected in the three main writings of this portfolio.
My rhetorical analysis paper will analyze the opening scene of the pilot of HBO’s The Newsroom. Aaron Sorkin, writer and producer of the show, uses Aristotle’s three modes of persuasion to educate the audience about the shortcomings of America. Sorkin’s protagonist, William McAvoy, makes several good points about why America isn’t the greatest country in the world, but his purpose falls short as his delivery becomes crude and offensive. My argument paper will discuss the brief history of DACA and how its policies are beneficial to DREAMers and the U.S. economy. Our current President’s administration and their plans to rescind DACA will have many consequences on the well-being of DACA recipients and should therefore be kept in place and even expanded. My research paper will explore the effects of black representation in media. Due to increased diversity in all aspects of media, it’s important to portray black characters in a positive light, as negative representations will perpetuate stereotypes and harm the self-esteem of black people.