February 2018

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Cyberfeminism and Digital Spaces

Cyberfeminism and Digital Spaces

“Feminist Rhetorics and Interaction Design” Sano-Franchini connects feminist rhetorics and IxD (84). She argues that both intersect, especially in “concerns for social justice” (85). She believes that “feminisms and IxD together can lead to more socially and politically conscious digital production” (85). Interaction design is defined as “how people interact with technology” (86). When merging […]

Recollection and Digital Narratives

“Memory is funny. Specific and vague. Visceral and unreliable. Truth, and fiction” (the Goggles). The Pine Point project is truly multimodal, from clickable text, illustrations, video, sound/music, and animation.  What I really enjoyed about “Welcome to Pine Point” was that it seemed to follow all the “unruly” guidelines that Bloom writes in his “Five Ways […]

Not-so-artificial intelligence

After reading all of the articles this week, I kept thinking about artificial intelligence, cyborgs and robots. I merged these thoughts with the idea of “downloading consciousness” from Caitlin’s awesome post last week on Black Mirror. In a similar manner, I decided to write about a particular episode in the Agents of SHIELD (if you […]

(Feminist) Narratives and Hypertext

In the opening of Hypertext 3.0, Landow writes that “we must abandon conceptual systems founded on ideas of center, margin, hierarchy, and linearity and replace them by ones of multilinearity, nodes, links, and networks” (1). Patchwork Girl by Shelley Jackson operates on multilinearity and links as a hypertext novel. When the reader enters the text, […]

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