First Ed Hahne Award Presentation


Below are the comments made at the Spirit of Stony Brook Marching Band BandQuet on May 3, where we presented the first annual Ed Hahne Memorial Award and Scholarship. Thanks to all who contributed and congratulations to recipient, Dan Wood (read more about Dan below). We still need your support to insure that this scholarship is endowed for future generations of students.


Angelo Truglio, Pamela Pfeil, Dan Wood, Lee Ann Hahne, John Leddy (l-r)

Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 4.57.40 PMRelated:

On June 20 the Ed Hahne Memorial Brunch will take place at Bobbique, 70 Main St. Patchogue from 11am – 2pm (see below). Anyone wishing to donate to this scholarship can do so by clicking this link or copying and pasting this address into your browser:


BandQuet comments:

I am here tonight to present the Ed Hahne Memorial Award with my good friend and former colleague, Angelo Truglio, founding Spirit of Stony Brook band member and former student of Ed Hahne, Pamela Pfeil, and good friend, Lee Ann Hahne, Ed’s widow.

Who is Ed Hahne, and what is this award about? It’s a reasonable question. Allow me to tell you a little about Ed and the creation of this award.

Ed Hahne was a loving husband, a doting father, a loyal friend, an exceptional music educator. Suddenly and tragically last July 11, Ed was taken from our lives. Family and friends of Ed came together wondering how best to preserve his legacy. After much discussion, it was decided that an award, presented in his name, to a band member from his Alma Mater, would be an appropriate remembrance. This award is funded and has a monetary scholarship attached to it. Our hope is that someday we can grow this account to a point where it will become a fully endowed scholarship; in place to provide assistance to generations of marching band students to come.

2 Things About Ed:

  1. Ed was a meticulous craftsman. Among other projects, he and his friend Bob, started a business making handcrafted conducting batons. They were beautiful and perfectly balanced. While here at Stony Brook, I commissioned Ed to make two red batons for me, and I used them to conduct our Pep Band. Upon her appointment as Director, I presented  the red batons to Mrs Stahl, and it makes me happy to know they remain in the Office of Athletic Bands today. Take a peek next time you visit the office. Try ’em out, see how they’re balanced.
  2. Ed was a middle school band director for 33 years, and a substitute teacher for 8 more years. He subbed only in the building he taught in so he could stay close to the students, close to his colleagues and friends (some of whom were former students), close to his community.

This past fall, a 7th grade band student that Ed taught just last year, wrote a letter to Lee Ann Hahne.

In it, he said:

I want to tell you a story of how much I appreciate Mr. Hahne and how he helped me.

He was a substitute for Mr. Malafronte, and last spring I was getting ready for NYSSMA. He worked with me 1 on 1 with my NYSSMA piece. I was so confident, I scored a 27 out of 28 possible points. If it wasn’t for Mr. Hahne, I don’t think I would be as good a trumpet player as I am today.

He was extremely influential in my music career and I appreciate all the hard work he devoted to his career. He is with us in all of our hearts.

I want to remind you that this was written by a 7th grade student talking about the positive impact a substitute teacher had on his life. So if you ever feel that what you do is unimportant or trivial, I hope you’ll remember our friend Ed. He demonstrated for us all that you touch lives, and you make a difference.

Award Presentation:


Dan Wood, a trombone player, was selected for his great sense of humor, superior musicianship, and caring and concern for his fellow band members… if you knew Ed Hahne, should sound very familiar.

  • He has been a great friend to many in the band
  • He is a terrifically talented musician, and absolutely loves marching band.  
  • Always enthusiastic in everything band related. He is a friend to almost  every member and he’s always there to help out others. His childlike joy is contagious and he brings a gleeful attitude to those around him.

 Our first annual Ed Hahne Memorial Award goes to DAN WOOD

3 thoughts on “First Ed Hahne Award Presentation

  1. Angelo Truglio

    It is still very difficult to grasp that I won’t be getting a phone call from Ed and hearing, “Hey man, how’s it going?” However, the Ed Hahne Memorial Award means Ed is still affecting lives, and that is what he was all about. Memorializing Ed’s life qualities through the Stony Brook Athletic Band’s program makes it even more special, as I witnessed the spirit and passion for musicianship, fun and caring that took place at the “Bandquet”. I know Ed has that big smile going on!
    Congrats to Dan Wood, the first recipient and a shout out to Leddy, for helping this all come about!
    Your contribution will help keep Ed’s impact on people going strong. Funds are needed to have the memorial last in perpetuity.

    1. John Leddy Post author

      Great comment, Angelo. It’s funny, but I have that same feeling regarding the phone calls. I can still hear Ed’s voice….
      Congratulations again To Dan. He’s a great student and really represents Ed’s spirit.


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