Monthly Archives: January 2020

Recent books from professors Pierce and Uriarte

The fall semester of 2019 brought the joy of two new books to our Department.  Professor Javier Uriarte just published “The Desertmakers. Travel, War, and the State in Latin America”. The book delves into how the rhetoric of travel and introduces different conceptualizations of space and time in scenarios of war during the last decades of the 19th century in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

Javier Uriarte’s book is available through Routledge’s website.

Professor Joseph Pierce has also just published his “Argentine Intimacies. Queer Kinship in an Age of Splendor, 1890−1910”. This is an outstanding work on the legacy of one of Argentina’s foremost intellectual and elite families, the Bunges, through which prof. Pierce is able to reveal the queerness at the heart of the modern family.

Joseph Pierce’s book through the SUNY Press website.