HLL INVITA: Nancy Hiemstra

On Thursday 28th we had the opportunity to have a conversation with Associate Professor of the Department of Women and Gender Studies Nancy Hiemstra on her current work. She was invited to our SPN 609 graduate course. It was a ver inspiring roundtable on deportation, detention spaces, and her proposal of “periscoping” as an integral research methodology.


2019 Brazilian Politics and Culture

After the election of Joair Bolsonaro, who sworn in as Brazilian 38th president on January 1st, 2019,  academics all over the world have been analyzing the quick transformation of a former army captain and federal deputy for Rio de Janeiro (1998-2018) into an anti-establishment political phenomenon running the government of the largest economy in South America.

In response to this political and cultural scenario, Prof. Javier Uriarte in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature organized this February 20th  a round table with historian Barbara Weinstein (NYU) –former professor at Stony Brook– and anthropologist Rosana Pinhero Machado (Federal Univ of Santa Maria, Brazil). The event was held in the renovated LACS seminar room.



Barbara Weistein on the past and present of Brazilian corruption

The lively Q&A led us into further conversations where we were able to make a ten minute video with historian Barbara Weinstein about corruption and its uses in Brazilian politics.

…nobody who has been participating in Brazilian politics since 1946 could possible claim to be free  of any kind of corrupt involvement. So, I think, the structure of politics is such that escaping corruption in Brazil at this point in time is extremely difficult. That raises the question of what you do when you have corruption that is so wide spread and how do you gauge the corruption investigations that punish some people and not others? In my opinion, what it’s been going on in Brazil for much of the last five years is what some people have termed ‘lawfare’.


Hispanic Languages and Literatures thanks Barbara and Rosana for their visit to Stony Brook and generosity to share their research and ideas with our community.


In partnership with the SBU libraries, the Humanities Institute, the Graduate Student Organization, and other campus entities, HLL presented on February 13th: Humanities and the Digital: A Workshop, on February 13th.  This workshop, on mapmaking using StoryMap, featured presentations by Dr. Aurélie Vialette (Hispanic Languages and Literatures) and Sara Martínez, a PhD student in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures.  The workshop was attended by students, faculty, and staff from several departments.


End of the semester celebration

El pasado jueves nos reunimos para celebrar el final semestre de otoño y también el éxito de nuestro estudiante de doctorado Alberto Sánchez-Medina en su Comprehensive Exam de ese mismo día. Los profesores Paul Firbas, Javier Uriarte y Kathleen Vernon formaron parte de su tribunal ¡Enhorabuena, Alberto!

Presentación del segundo número de América Invertida

El pasado martes 27 de noviembre se presentó en la librería Berl’s Poetry Bookshop de Brooklyn el segundo número de la revista editada por el  Aula de Poesía América Invertida.

El Aula de Poesía sigue con la idea con la que surgió, que es la de ofrecer un espacio a los poetas hispanos que residen en EE.UU. así como proporcionar un espacio en NY a la poesía escrita en castellano. A la presentación del número dos acudieron  amigos, compañeros y profesores de nuestro departamento. La lectura corrió a cargo de los estudiantes Giovanni Bello (History), María Paz Domínguez (HLL) y Carlos Vicéns (HLL), además de la poeta Luna Miguel, con la que tuvimos la ocasión de charlar sobre poesía, política y el futuro de las editoriales. La velada terminó con la música de Gabriel Vicéns y Elana Hedrich.

Día de los Muertos ’18

Nuestro Departamento quiso celebrar el famosos Día de los Muertos levantando un altar al más puro estilo mexicano. No en vano los altares, con sus ofrendas, son el elemento más representativo de la festividad de Día de Muertos, una representación de nuestra visión sobre la muerte, llena de alegorías y de significados.


New books published this semester


Prof. Aurélie Vialette, our new Director of Graduate Studies, has just released her first monographic book: Intellectual Philanthropists: the Seduction of the Masses (Purdue University Press, 2018), , dedicated to the study of the culture of popular workers and the rise of revolutionary movements in 19th-century Iberia (Catalonia, Basque Country, Asturias and Galicia in Spain). Prof. Vialette received her PhD from the University of California Berkeley in 2011 and joined our Department in 2014. Congratulations!




Prof. Victoriano Roncero-López , specialist in Golden Age Literature, has just published his annotated edition of a rare short play by Félix Lope de Vega, La privanza del hombre (Kassel, Reichenberger, 2018). It also includes the edition of Lope’s auto El nombre de Jesús , by our graduate student Ignacio D. Arellano-Torres .