The need for water

The communities farthest from the capital, Tegucigalpa are the communities most in need as they are the communities hardest to reach.  We are hoping to help them with a water project.  Currently, the communities nearby, and by that we mean as far as a 1.5 hour walk away, travel to this lagoon at the top of the mountain to reach water.  This lagoon serves as a source of water for washing clothes and hydrating animals like horses and cows.

From this point we are at the edge of a local community hiking down to the bottom right to the lagoon

From this point we are at the edge of a local community hiking down to the bottom right to the lagoon

Took us about 30 minutes to reach the lagoon

Took us about 30 minutes to reach the lagoon

We need to preserve this valuable natural resource

We need to preserve this valuable natural resource

Bathing and washing; humans and animals

Bathing and washing; humans and animals

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