
Research Assistant


Kristen Savastano

Kristen graduated from Roger Williams University (RWU) in 2022 with a B.S. in Marine Biology with two minors in Sustainability and Aquaculture and Aquarium Sciences. While studying at RWU, Kristen worked in the CEED Blount Shellfish Hatchery, working primarily with oysters and hard clams. Kristen returned after graduating to take on the role of Shellfish Research Assistant where she was involved in various shellfish aquaculture activities from microalgae culturing to hatchery and farm productions. She also worked on research projects looking at the impact of biofouling and Rust Tide on oyster farms in Rhode Island. Kristen brings a solid aquaculture background to the MADL and will be assisting the team with disease diagnostics and research projects on host-pathogen interactions related to environmental conditions.



Guillaume Cacot

Guillaume earned a first M.S. in Aquaculture from Montpellier SupAgro (France) which gave him the opportunity to work as an intern in various aquaculture companies with activities ranging from aquaponics, feed additive technologies, perch hatchery to a rainbow trout farm. He worked two years in Ghana, supervising fish vaccination and monitoring disease outbreaks before enrolling for a second M.S. at Auburn University, Alabama, where he studied the efficacy of various antibiotic alternatives against aquaculture pathogens in catfish, tilapia, shrimp and rainbow trout challenge models. After graduation, he joined the MADL to assist research projects on host-pathogen interactions in shellfish.