
Research in the McElroy Lab has been funded from a variety of sources including federal sources like:

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA through the NY, CT, RI, and MA Sea Grant Programs, and the Saltonstall/Kennedy Program)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA through the Long Island Sound Study)
  • the National Institutes of Health (NIH through NIEHS and the NCI)
  • National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
  • National Park Service

We have also  been funded by not for profit environmental organizations and initiatives such as

  • Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI)
  • Hudson river Foundation
  • Massachusetts Water Research Authority
  • New York Department of State (NYSDOS)
  • New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)

Current Grants:

  • Chemical and biological characterization of sewage treatment derived pharmaceuticals to the Hudson River. A. McElroy Proj. Dir., B. Brownawell and Howard Sirotkin Stony Brook University, and D. Aga University at Buffalo Co-PIs. Hudson River Foundation. 6/1/17-5/31/19
  • Pharmaceuticals in New York waters: Effectiveness of advanced treatment options, environmental levels and potential effects. A. McElroy Proj. Dir., B. Brownawell, and Howard Sirotkin Stony Brook University, D. Aga University at Buffalo, SUNY Co-PIs. New York Sea Grant Institute 2/1/16-1/31/19.
  • Restoring Long Island’s winter flounder inshore fisheries – Approaches to avoid extirpation. M. Frisk Proj. Dir. R. Cerrato, D. Chapman and A. McElroy Stony Brook University Co-PIs. Saltonstall-Kennedy Program NOAA. 1/1/16-12/31/18.

Recently Completed:

  • Environmental impacts of RAP. Y. Mehta Proj. Dir. Rowan University, B. Yan, H, Yiu, A. Ali, Columbia University and A. McElroy Stony Brook University, Co-PIs. NJDOT. 7/1/15-6/30/17.
  • Characterizing the composition and biogeochemical behavior of dispersants and their transformation products in Gulf of Mexico coastal ecosystems, D. Sparks Mississippi State University Proj. Dir. Lee Ferguson, Duke University, B. Brownawell, and A McElroy Stony Brook University, Co-PIs. GoMRI. 10/1/12-12/31/16.
  • Restoring Long Island’s winter flounder fishery: Influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on health, fitness and recruitment success.. Dir. M. Frisk, Proj. Dir., A. McElroy Stony Brook University and M. Fast, Veterinary College, Prince Edward Island University. Co-PIs. Saltonstall-Kennedy Program NOAA. 6/1/10-5/31/13.
  • Western Bays water quality monitoring system. R.L. Swanson, Prog. Dir. J.K. Cochran, H. Bokuniewicz, R.E. Wilson, B. Brownawell, C. Gobler, A. McElroy, R. Flood, C. Flagg and M. Frisk Stony Brook University Co-PIs. NYSDOS. 9/1/10-3/1/13.
  • Tools to monitor the effects of management actions on DO and its interactive effects with sewage-derived endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater affected coastal environments.. A. McElroy Proj. Dir., B. Brownawell, K.Cochran, Stony Brook University, K. Cooper, & L. White, Ruterger University Co-PIs. NFWS. 6/1/07-8/31/10.
  • Characterization of the exoskeletal microbial communities and host immune response associated with epizootic shell disease in lobsters. B. Allam, Proj. Dir., A, Dove, G. Taylor and A McElroy, Stony Brook University Co-PIs, R.I. Sea Grant Program.   3/1/07-6/1/10.
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