
All regularly scheduled meetings of the Council are held on Tuesdays at 2:00pm at the office of the Division of Marine Resources, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, 123 Kings Park Blvd. Kings Park, NY 11754.  Any change in meeting dates, times or location will be posted on this Web Page. Those planning to attend a Council meeting are encouraged to check this Web Page beforehand for any such changes.

Below are the dates of the regularly-scheduled meetings of the Marine Resources Advisory Council in Calendar 2024:

  • Tuesday, January 9 – 2:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 6 – 2:00 p.m.
  • April 9th – 2:00 p.m.
  • May 7th – 2:00 p.m.
  • July 9th – CANCELLED
  • September 17th – 2:00 p.m.
  • November 12th – 2:00 p.m.

All meetings will take place at the DEC Offices, 123 Kings Park Blvd. Kings Park, NY 11754 at 2:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. It is best to check the MRAC web page prior to a meeting for any possible changes and the agenda.

May 7, 2024 MRAC Meeting Agenda

Marine Resources Advisory Council Agenda

Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Location: DEC Division of Marine Resources, 123 Kings Park Blvd, Kings Park/ Virtual

Meeting Link:
Webinar Number: 161 842 1981
Passcode: MRAC050724 (67220507 from phones and video systems)


  • Public Comment
  • Approval of March and April’s meeting Minutes
  • Striped Bass permit/tag transfer kickoff
  • Tautog/Lobster pot possession issue
  • ASMFC Spring Meeting Review
  • Saltwater License discussion
  •  Rulemaking updates
  • Upcoming meetings

April 9, 2024 MRAC Meeting Agenda

Marine Resources Advisory Council Agenda

Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Location: DEC Division of Marine Resources, 123 Kings Park Blvd, Kings Park/ Virtual
Meeting Link:
ID: 161 112 1498
Passcode: flounder0424  (35686338 from phones and video systems)


MRAC Bills 2024

MRAC Bills for Review:

* indicates bills that are moving; (m) = minority members

Status Description
Palumbo (m)
Senate Budget (1.3.24)
Assembly WAM (1.3.24)
Provides motor fuel tax exemption for sales of diesel motor fuel used in vessels used directly in a business providing sport fishing opportunities
* S2273
Palumbo (m)
Senate Encon (1.3.24)

Passed Assembly (3.14.24)

Designates the Montauk Point shoals as an important bird area, and directs the commissioner of environmental conservation to designate such area as part of the New York state bird conservation area program
Lanza (m)
Senate Encon (1.3.24)
Assembly Encon (1.3.24)
Prohibits disposal of spoils containing toxic pollutants into the waters of the marine district
* S3185
No same as Senate 3rd Reading (3.14.24) Relates to the management of horseshoe crabs; provides that until December 31, 2028, no person shall take, sell, or possess with intent to sell any horseshoe crab or the eggs of any horseshoe crab, except pursuant to a horseshoe crab bio-medical harvester permit; provides for the repeal of certain provisions of such law upon expiration thereof.
No Same as Senate Encon (1.3.24) Establishes a thirteen-member marine fisheries licensing task force to make recommendations within the department of environmental conservation for proposed laws and regulations for commercial licensing of marine fisheries; requires a report to the legislature and governor; makes related provisions.
Senate Ag (1.3.24)
Assembly Encon (1.3.24)
Establishes a state commercial fishing industry advocate and a commercial fishing economic development program to promote the state’s commercial fishing industry; defines terms; makes related provisions
No same as Senate Encon (1.3.24) Relates to the regulation of exhaust gas cleaning systems on vessels; and relates to the powers of the department of environmental conservation
* S8110
Passed Senate (2.13.24)
Assembly Encon (2.2.24)
Reconvenes the New York state sea level rise task force to review the report and recommendations previously issued by the task force, and to determine the progress made in effectuating such recommendations and what recommendations require additional efforts; develop an updated evaluation of ways of protecting New York’s remaining coastal ecosystems and natural habitats, and increasing coastal community resilience in the face of sea level rise, applying the best available science as to sea level rise and its anticipated impacts; and updating previous recommendations and, if appropriate, making new recommendations on sea level rise resiliency.

February 6, 2024 MRAC Meeting Agenda

February 6, 2024
2:00 p.m. DEC Offices – Kings Park

  • Public Comment
  • Approval of January’s meeting Minutes
  • Review of recreational fluke and scup options
  • Rulemaking
    • Part 38: 48 hour Electronic Reporting requirement for State issued Party/Charter License Holders
  • Updates:
    • ASMFC Winter Meeting (Striped bass Board and Addendum II)
      • Commercial striped bass tag numbers
    • Upcoming Meetings:
      • ASMFC Summer Flounder and Scup 2/14/2024


ID: 161 035 7733

Passcode: MRAC020624 (67220207 from phones and video systems)

November 28, 2023 MRAC Meeting Agenda

Marine Resources Advisory Council Agenda

November 28, 2023
2:00 p.m. DEC Offices – Kings Park
Join Zoom Meeting    ID: 96745062979    Passcode: 981070

  • Introduction of new Director, Martin Gary
  • Public Comment for Non-Agenda items
  • Approval of Minutes – September 12, 2023
  • Saltwater License Update
  • Councilor Items
    • Commercial Tautog Tagging Program
    • Commercial Striped Bass Management
    • Fishing License Requalification
  • DEC Items
    • ASMFC Annual Meeting (Oct 16-19, 2023) Recap
    • 2024 Recreational Fishing Preview (Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass)
  • Quick Notes
    • Renewals
    • Lobster Trackers
    • Interstate Advisory Panel memberships: ACCSP AP and ASMFC American eel
  • Upcoming Meetings
    • Commercial Quota Meeting 11/29
    • ASMFC Hearing for Striped Bass Addendum II
      • 12/4 Kings Park and 12/18 New Paltz
    • Mid Atlantic Council Meeting (Joint with ASMFC SFL S BSB) Dec 12/11-14 Philadelphia PA
  • Rulemaking Updates
    • Various


September 12, 2023 MRAC Meeting Agenda

Marine Resources Advisory Council Agenda
September 12, 2023
2:00 p.m. DEC Offices – Kings Park

  • Public Comment
  • Approval of June 7, 2023 Minutes
  • MRAC Appointments
  • Recreational Salt Water License
  • Shore Based Shark Fishing public comment review
  • Recreational SFL Scup BSB Update
  • Tautog Tags Update
  • 2024-2025 Commercial fluke quota Update
  • Rule Making Update:
    • Striped bass
    • Atlantic cod
    • Scup and BSB
    • Jonah Crab
    • Reporting and Electronic Tracking (Lobster)
  • Meeting Outcomes:
    • ASMFC Summer Meeting (Aug 1-3)
    • Striped Bass Addendum” progress/timeline
    • MAFMC (Aug 7-10)
  • Upcoming Meetings:
    • MAFMC in NYC (Oct 3-5)
    • ASMFC Annual Meeting (Oct 15-19)
The meeting will be available via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 990 3267 6727
Passcode: 485106

July 18, 2023 MRAC Meeting CANCELLED

The July 18th, 2023 MRAC meeting has been cancelled. The next MRAC meeting is scheduled for September 12th – 2:00 p.m. at the DEC Offices, 123 Kings Park Blvd. Kings Park, NY 11754

June 7, 2023 MRAC Meeting Agenda

Marine Resources Advisory Council Agenda

Wednesday  June 7th – 2:00 p.m. Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Room 120 Endeavour Hall

  • Public Comment
  • Approval of Minutes (March 7, 2023 & April 18, 2023)
  • Regulatory Updates:
    • Shore based shark fishing
    • Striped bass gaff rule
    • Shad/Cobia
    • Recreational Cod
    • Part 38
  • Update regarding unfilled Council seats
  • Striped Bass emergency action
  • Reciprocity for-hire party/charter permits between neighboring states
  • Opening of Blackfish season in the Sound to coincide with the East End

Marine Resources Advisory Council Meeting Rescheduled: June 7

The Marine Resources Advisory Council (MRAC) scheduled for Tuesday, May 23, 2:00 PM is being rescheduled for **Wednesday, June 7, 2:00 PM. The meeting will be held at Stony Brook University, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Room 120 Endeavor Hall, Stony Brook, NY. The meetings are open to the public, and members of the public may address MRAC on marine resources issues.

Details on how to listen to the livestream of the meeting are available on DEC’s website. Attendees joining the livestream online or by phone are limited to listening only. A complete agenda for the meeting will be available prior to the meeting.

**Please note the changes:  this meeting will be held on a Wednesday in lieu of our typical Tuesday and at Stony Brook University instead of the DEC offices.

January 24, 2023 MRAC Meeting Agenda

Marine Resources Advisory Council Agenda
January 24, 2023
6:00 p.m. DEC Offices – Kings Park

  • Approval of Minutes – November 15, 2022
  • Recreational Fisheries
    • Black Sea Bass and Scup update
    • Tautog season switch
  • Commercial Fisheries
    • Commercial quota distribution
    • Tautog tags – update
    • Striped bass full and part shares (tentative)
  • ASMFC Atlantic Striped Bass Addendum I – Voluntary transfer of commercial quota
  • Regulatory Update
    • Recreational cod follow up
    • Commercial Cobia
    • Recreational striped bass gaffing
    • Commercial striped bass tags
  • Sea Kelp Bill
  • Enforcement Issue
    • Out of State non-grandfathered fishing vessels in NYS waters (70′ Law)
  • Notices
    • ASMFC meeting (January 30 – February 2, Arlington, VA)
    • MAFMC meeting (February 7 – 9, 2023, Washington, D.C.)
    • Limited entry license random selection in February (February 15)
  • Calendar Year 2023 – meeting dates

MRAC Agenda 2023-01-24