Oh, how the times have changed, looking back on this film I’m filled with wonderful moments of my childhood and how this was my favorite film back then. One thing I can definitely say about this movie now is that it doesn’t hold up nowadays. Really makes one think back on how easily entertained they were as a child.

This film relies heavily on the popularity of both the looney tunes and Michael B Jordan to get anyone to see it. The acting from Michael Jordan is abysmal at best and the voice acting for the looney tunes is as good as it always been so really there’s no surprise there. The animation meets the standard, if not rise above a little bit, that previously tunes projects have shown, but the storyline was lacking in a few parts. Honestly, the weakest parts of this film are the live-action sections with the real actors, as shown with his baseball career, Michael Jordan is only good at basketball. Even though this film isn’t as good as I once perceived at the game, I still find it enjoyable to watch even today, however, those are probably just my rose-tinted glasses as I can still say this was a subpar film. The only real good thing to come out of this film is it rejuvenated the looney tunes franchise for a little bit, even producing another film with Brendan Fraser before it fell back into light obscurity for a little bit.

For me, this film gets a 4/10 and probably won’t get many more views from me in the future. Although I most likely will go see the proposed sequel featuring LeBron James because how bad could it be right?


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