Following Jurassic Park, this film was a real disaster. It dropped two of the best characters from the previous film deliver us a product with several glaring problems. Of the original three films, this one is the worst, followed by Jurassic Park (With the new films, it places second worst). Every aspect of the prior movie was stronger than this one.

I can assume most people who watched the original film enjoy the character of doctor Malcolm however it is shown to this film that he cannot carry an entire film by himself, or at least with the supporting cast that he did have. The Lost World proposes an interesting extension to the original film but fails in the execution of said extension. The acting and this story of the film fall flat compared to the original and two others well I mean films. The special effects and cinematography of the film are fantastic however you can’t carry an entire film with those two aspects. The plot is so flimsy because of the actions it has our main cast of characters take, leading into many perilous situations that could have been avoided if they just thought a little more and came up with really any other plans. Of course, there are several great scenes in the film such as the Raptors in the tall grass scene that we all know but the overall product wasn’t up to snuff. Many of the problems begin once doctor Malcolm gets onto the second island and are carried out the entire movie. One grossly terrible plot point Shown in the film is that of bringing dinosaurs near a densely packed area, why would they do that? They couldn’t guarantee that none of the answers would get out and it’s been shown that people can easily sabotage the equipment. Who’s the genius thought of that idea huh?

With the Jurassic Park series, it would be best to stick with mainly the original and possibly movie 3 if you need more Jurassic Park in your life. I rate this film a 4/10 and can’t recommend it.


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