
PHY420: Introduction to Accelerator Science and Technology                  Fall 2017

This course will introduce students to the field of accelerator science and technology, a very versatile branch of physics and technology. This course is composed of the following parts: introduction of accelerator history and their basic principles, basic beam dynamics in synchrotrons, introduction of challenges in Accelerator physics, and introduction of typical beam measurements and instrumentations.

Course Content

  1. Particle motion in electromagnetic field – Maxwell eqn/relativity review (1 week)
  2. A brief history of accelerators
  3. Longitudinal motion in accelerators
  4. Transverse motion in accelerators
  5. Transverse nonlinear and coupled motion
  6. Beam instabilities
  7. Emittance preservation
  8. Synchrotron radiation
  9. (Special Topic): Beam measurement and diagnostics
  10. (Special Topic): Introduction to plasma wakefield acceleration

Lecture Notes

Detailed information on the course can be found on the CASE website. This course will be offered again Fall 2019.