HeartBleed Bug

A few weeks ago with the disclosure of the bug found in OpenSSL, many servers and user credentials were compromised. We would like to remind you to make sure your servers are updated and any passwords (both personal and work related) should be changed. For accounts on websites outside of Stony Brook, make sure that the site has updated their servers before changing your password. Otherwise changing your password will still allow for your account to be compromised on those websites.

Add-ons are also available for your browser to check which sites you visit are vulnerable.

For Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxbleed/

For Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chromebleed/eeoekjnjgppnaegdjbcafdggilajhpic?hl=en

More info:




About Yakov

While some have claimed to spot him around the Research Tech office, Yakov usually appears early in the morning to grab coffee and surprise Dave.

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