Author Archives: David Ecker

Easy Guide to request HPC compute hours

The National Science Foundation funds super computer sites through a program called XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment).  This is a single place where you can request computational hours on their various HPC resources.

Doug Swesty from Astronomy partnered with Research Technologies to ask for an abstract that could be used as example to request 200K hours of CPU time.   Thanks the generosity of Neelima Sehgal – we have enclosed an example of how to request hours on the XSEDE resources.

NCSA_NSF_Request  (The example request document)

Here is a link to the XSEDE systems:


SPSS – Commuter license up to 30 days

SPSS Commuter license can be extended from 7 days to 30 days.

IBM SPSS is a predictive analytics software, you can predict with confidence on what happens next to make smarter decisions, solve problems and improve outcomes.   Stony Brook University licenses this product through a SUNY contract as network license.  Part of that contract allows researchers to utilize the license in an off line (without network connectivity) mode called the commuter license.   This license is available for 7 days normally but by following the instructions below you the commuter license can be extended for 30 days.   This has been tested to work on Windows (PC) clients only.

Within the Windows (PC) on the SPSS client if you edit:

C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\22\spssprod.inf

and change line

CommuterMaxLife=30 <-change this to 30

Then you can check out a commuter license for 30 days

MATLAB Pilot for Researchers


Research Technologies is proud to introduce our new MATLAB Pilot service available for the Stony Brook Research community.

Our MATLAB Pilot service aims to provide convenient and expedited access to MATLAB machines for researchers as an alternative to running the software locally, allowing for quicker and more convenient access to MATLAB resources for the Stony Brook community.

Researchers will be able to log into dedicated machines running MATLAB.  This will allow them to have more resources available for simulations then on their local system.

We are looking for a few excited partners willing to pilot this new IT service.

Contact us if you would like to find out more:


December 2013 – IT Research Connection Mtg

We had our December 2013 – IT Research Connection meeting this past week.  We had a good group of various community experts in attendance.  Topics we discussed included

  1. The new Pilot MatLab system where researchers can connect some virtual desktop systems to test this as alernative method of accesing MatLab without a static IP restrictions.
  2. System Support is Piloting a new VCloud system where IT experts can test a virtual server that is running in the computer center to see if this can assist them without running a server in research labs.
  3. Networking between East and West campus and the speed to handle large data sets that are being discussed by various new research groups.
  4. Link to RDP Access change.