Meditation Monday
I participated in one of the meditation Monday that took place on every Monday at 10:00 o clock at James lounge located in H-quad. That event is a good activity for relaxing, especially for at this time when the semester is approaching to the end and all the upcoming finals are stressing us out. We did an nearly an hour long guided meditation. We are guided to take deep breath, thinking more about ourselves. We were gradually led to a status of tranquility. I feel that meditation is a really useful tool for relaxation and distress. I successfully released a significant amount of stress and find a sense of peace. I will continue to find some time to do meditation every day to develop it to a daily habit because I think it is really beneficial, especially for college students who are consistently under the pressure of papers, midterms, presentations and concerns about futures. Everybody need sometime per day just to be fully free of concern and deeply relaxed.