Z. B. Harris, M. E. Khani, O. B. Osman, and M. H Arbab. “Application of physics-based deep learning models for classification of burn injuries and prediction of the wound healing outcomes using the terahertz PHASR scanner.” In Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XXII (p. PC1283107). San Francisco, CA, United States, 2024. [download]

Z. B. Harris, K. Xu, and M. H. Arbab, “Fast Mueller matrix polarimetry using the terahertz PHASR scanner.” In Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XVII (p. PC1288506). San Francisco, CA, United States, 2024. [download]

K. Xu and M. H. Arbab, “Monte Carlo Simulations of Signal Contrast Mechanisms in Broadband Terahertz Polarimetric Imaging of Biological Tissues.” In 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023. [download]

A. S. Virk, Z. B. Harris, and M. H. Arbab, “Hyperbolic-elliptical lenses for rapid THz reflection imaging of curved biological surfaces.” In 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023. [download]

Z. B. Harris, K. Xu, and M. H. Arbab, “Polarization-Sensitive THz Time-Domain Imaging of 27 by 27 mm 2 Field of View at About 0.5 Frames per Second Using the PHASR Scanner 3.0.” In 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023. [download]

K. Xu, Z. B. Harris, and M. H. Arbab, “Imaging the Stokes Vector of Backscattered THz Speckle Fields Using the Two-Channel PHASR Scanner.” In 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023. [download]

Z. B. Harris, K. Xu, and M. H. Arbab, “Measurement of the THz Stokes Vectors using the PHASR Scanner: Precise Determination of the Jones Matrix of the scanning system.” In 2023 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023. [download]

K. Xu, Z. B. Harris, and M. H. Arbab, “Polarization Mapping of Backscattered THz Speckle Fields Using the PHASR Scanner.” In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). San Jose, CA United States, 2023. [download]

A. S. Virk, Z. B. Harris, and M. H. Arbab “Hyperbolic-Elliptical Lens Pairs for Fast THz-TDS Single-Pixel, Phase-Front Matched Imaging of Spherical Targets with an Extended Field of View.” CLEO: Applications and Technology, pp. JTh2A-117. San Jose, CA United States, 2023. [download]

A. Virk, Z. B. Harris, and M. H. Arbab, “Design and characterization of a single-pixel imaging system using double hyperbolic-elliptical objective lens for THz spherical scanning of cornea with a large field-of-view.” Proc. SPIE 12368, Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XXI, San Francisco, CA, 2023. [download]

Z. B. Harris, M. E. Khani, O. B. Osman, and M. H. Arbab, “Terahertz Portable Handheld Spectral Reflection (PHASR) scanners for accurate classification of burn injuries in clinical settings.” Proc. SPIE 12420, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XVI, San Francisco, CA, 2023. [download]

M. E. Khani, Z. B. Harris, O. B. Osman, J. W. Zhou, A. Chen, and M. H. Arbab, “Physical modeling of the permittivity of in vivo burn injuries using Debye dielectric parameters measured by the THz PHASR scanner.” Proc. CLEO, San Jose, CA, 2022. [download]

Z. B. Harris and M. H. Arbab, “THz PHASR scanner with 2.6 kHz ECOPS trace acquisition rate and longer than 75 picosecond time-domain sampling.” Proc. CLEO, San Jose, CA, 2022. [download]

M. H. Arbab, M. E. Khani, Z. B. Harris, A. Virk, and O. B. Osman, “Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopic Measurements in the Presence of Scattering for Biophotonics Applications.” Proc. CLEO, San Jose, CA, 2022. [download]

M. E. Khani, Z. B. Harris, O. B. Osman, J. W. Zhou, A. J. Singer, and M. H. Arbab. “Accurate Classification of Burn Injuries Using Support Vector Machines and the Wavelet Shannon Entropy of the THz-TDS Waveforms.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Aug. 29 – Sept.3, 2021, Chengdu, China. [download]

K. Xu and M. H. Arbab. “A THz Time-Domain Polarimetry System based on Plasma Filaments.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Aug. 29 – Sept.3, 2021, Chengdu, China. [download]

Z.B. Harris, M. E. Khani, and M. H. Arbab. “Spectrally-encoded THz reflection imaging through turbid media using wavelet multiresolution analysis.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Aug. 29 – Sept.3, 2021, Chengdu, China. [download]

A. Chen, A. Virk, and M. H. Arbab, “Terahertz Spectroscopic Measurement of the Intraocular Pressure and Diagnosis of the Corneal Endothelial Layer Damage.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Aug. 29 – Sept.3, 2021, Chengdu, China. [download]

O. B. Osman, Z. B. Harris, J. W. Zhou, M. E. Khani, A. Chen, A. J. Singer, and M. H. Arbab, “Deep Neural Network Classification of In Vivo Burn injuries with Different Etiologies Using THz Time-Domain Spectral Imaging.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Aug. 29 – Sept.3, 2021, Chengdu, China. [download]

A. Chen, A. Virk, Z. B. Harris, A. Abazari, R. Honkanen, and M. H. Arbab, “Noninvasive THz Measurement of Intraocular Pressure.” Proc. CLEO, San Jose, CA, 2021. [download]

M. E. Khani, O. B. Osman, Z. B. Harris, J. W. Zhou, A. Chen, A. J. SInger, and M. H. Arbab, “Acute Burn Assessment Using Terahertz Spectroscopic Feature Extraction and Support Vector Machines.” Proc. CLEO, San Jose, CA, 2021. [download]

M. E. Khani and M. H. Arbab, “Wavelet Shrinkage for Enhanced Chemical Recognition in the Rough Surface Diffused Terahertz Spectra.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Nov. 8-13, 2020, Buffalo, USA. [download]

Z.B. Harris, O. B. Osman, and M. H. Arbab, “Polarization-Sensitive Fast THz-TDS Scanner in a Portable Form-Factor.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Nov. 8-13, 2020, Buffalo, USA. [download]

O. B. Osman, J. W. Zhou, Z. B. Harris, M. E. Khani, A. Chen, A. J. Singer, and M. H. Arbab, “In Vivo Characterization of Partial-Thickness Burn Injuries Using THz Time-Domain Spectral Imaging in a Porcine Model.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Nov. 8-13, 2020, Buffalo, USA. [download]

M. E. Khani, and M. H. Arbab, “Two Wavelet-based Algorithms for Chemical Recognition Using Transmission Terahertz Spectral Imaging Through Turbid Media.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Nov. 8-13, 2020, Buffalo, USA. [download]

J. W. Zhou, Z. B. Harris, O. B. Osman, A. Chen, M. E. Khani, and M. H. Arbab, “Material Parameter Extraction Using Terahertz Time-Domain Reflection Spectroscopy in the Presence of Air Gaps.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Nov. 8-13, 2020, Buffalo, USA. [download]
M. E. Khani, Z. B. Harris, and M. H. Arbab, “Terahertz spectral imaging through turbid media: A wavelet approach to scattering mitigation.” Proc. CLEO, Washington DC, USA 2020. [download]

M. H. Arbab, O. Osman, J. Zhou, M. E. Khani, Z. B. Harris, A. Singer, “Terahertz Spectral Imaging for Burn Depth Determination in an in vivo Porcine Scald Model,” Journal of Burn Care & Research, 41(IS_1), S80, 2020. [download]

A. J. Singer, J. Zhou, O. Osman, Z. B. Harris, M. E. Khani, E. Baer, N. Zhang, S. McClain and M. H. Arbab, “Comparison of Contact and Scald Burns in a Porcine Model,” Journal of Burn Care & Research, 41(IS_1), S79, 2020. [download]

Z. B. Harris, A. Virk, and M. H. Arbab, “Handheld Telecentric THz-TDS Scanner Using Custom f-θ Optics for Imaging Applications in Clinical Settings and Non-Destructive Testing.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Sept. 1-6, 2019, Paris, France. [download]

A. Virk, Z. B. Harris, and M. H. Arbab, “Development of a THZ-TDS scanner for topographic corneal imaging.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Sept. 1-6, 2019, Paris, France. [download]

J. W. Zhou and M. H. Arbab, “Improved Terahertz Effective Media Models for Mixtures of Polar Liquids.” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Sept. 1-6, 2019, Paris, France. [download]

K. Xu and M. H. Arbab, “Jones matrix calibration and determination of the precision of Terahertz Time-domain Polarimetry based on spinning E-O sampling technique,” In: IEEE, Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Sept. 1-6, 2019, Paris, France. [download]

O. B. Osman, A. Virk, and M. H. Arbab, “Application of Cepstrum Filtering in THz Images through Scattering Media,” In: IEEE Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Sept. 9-15, 2018, Nagoya, Japan. [download]

M. E. Khani, and M. H. Arbab, “Extraction Of THz Absorption Signatures Obscured By Rough Surface Scattering Using Discrete Wavelet Transform,” In: IEEE Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Sept. 9-15 2018, Nagoya, Japan. [download]

E. Bayati, K. Oguichi, S. Watanabe, D. P. Winebrenner, and M. H. Arbab, “Terahertz Time-Domain Polarimetry (THz-TDP) For Measuring Chirality,” In: IEEE Proceedings of IRMMW-THz Conference, Cancun, Mexico, 2017. [download]

E. Bayati, D. P. Winebrenner, and M. H. Arbab, “Measuring the Thickness of Ultra-Thin Film Layers Using Terahertz Time-Domain Polarimetry (THz-TDP),” In: IEEE Proc. of IRMMW-THz Conf., Cancun, Mexico, 2017. [download]

M. H. Arbab, S. Henry, A. Warsen, N. Farr, D. P. Winebrenner, A. M. McClintic, Y-N Wang, A. M. Hocking, N. Shubin, and S. Arbabi, “Diagnosis of burn wounds using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy,” In: IEEE Proc. of IRMMW-THz Conf., Tucson, AZ, 2014. [download]
M. H. Arbab, D. P. Winebrenner, T. C. Dickey, A. Chen, M. B. Klein, and P. D. Mourad, “A Non-invasive Terahertz Assessment of 2nd and 3rd Degree Burn Wounds,” Proc. CLEO, San Jose, CA, 2012. [download]
M. H. Arbab, T. C. Dickey, D. P. Winebrenner, A. Chen, and P. D. Mourad, “Characterization of burn injuries using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy,” Proc. SPIE 7890, 78900Q, 2011. [download]
M. H. Arbab, D. P. Winebrenner, E. I. Thorsos, and A. Chen, “Application of wavelet transforms in terahertz spectroscopy of rough surface targets,” Proc. SPIE 7601, 760106, 2010. [download]
M. H. Arbab, A. Chen, Z. Zhou, E. Thorsos, D. P. Winebrenner, and L. M. Zurk, “Effect of surface scattering on terahertz time domain spectroscopy of chemicals,” Proc. SPIE 6893(1), p. 68930C, 2008. [download]

M. H. Arbab, D. P. Winebrenner, A. Chen, D. Wang, E. I. Thorsos, and L. M. Zurk, “Measurement and application of incoherent terahertz scattering using time-domain spectroscopy,” IEEE Proc. of IRMMW-THz, Pasadena, CA, 2008. [download]

E. Afjei and M. H. Arbab, “Inadequacies in Finite Difference Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Magnetostatic Problems when Boundary Condition of the Third Kind is Used,” proceedings of IEEE ICEAA 2003, Torino, Italy. [download]
E. Afjei, and M. H. Arbab, “Significant Error Propagation in The Finite Difference Solution of Non-Linear Magnetostatic Problems Utilizing Boundary Conditions of The Third Kind”, Int’l Journal of Engineering Transactions A, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.319-330, 2003. [download]