19 Jan PM – Under pressure…

As this entry is being posted, the students are giving their final presentations of their research projects that they've been consumed with for the past week and a half.  Yesterday we took a field trip to the Green Grotto which is an area with several caves used by pirates, locals, rumrunners, and in the 1980s — a disco! Now this year's class will have been under water, under ground, and under pressure (of their projects).



It's hard to tell, but all the students are much tanner than in the group photo on the first day.

– Prof. Warren

7 thoughts on “19 Jan PM – Under pressure…

  1. Nice to see all of you in a group picture. Safe trip home. Chris, get a copy of this photo for your Jamaican adventure album.

  2. Looking forward to seeing you all tonight. Can’t wait to hear of all the adventures. Have a safe trip.

  3. Love this great group picture! Have a safe trip home!
    PS. Nice ‘tan’ everyone!

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