04 Jan PM – Eye Opener

Eye Opener

Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari)_1

Spotted Eagle Ray found in the bay.  [Amy's too humble to brag, but this is a fantastic photo and both course instructors are very jealous that she saw this and we didn't!]

It’s amazing how every single time, we go out into the bay, and we always see something new and interesting. Sometimes we see things time after time but others we run into something that we haven’t seen before. For today, not only was the weather above the water absolutely perfect with the sun shining and a light breeze making it very easy to snorkel, but also below the reef was filled with color and life. Today we got some of the best photos so far experiencing colors and activities that we have not experienced before. Everyone that I’ve talked to said that today’s snorkel was absolutely amazing. Even though we have several opportunities to go snorkeling throughout the day, this morning snorkel adventure was absolutely amazing. My partner and I went out to the reef crest to view an area we have not seen before and then moved back to our familiar areas along the shoreline. On our way out to the crest, this is where I saw the spotted eagle ray and was so beyond excited. Not only are rays my favorite animals, but they are also so beautiful and breathtaking to watch. Later on in the day, the divers all went out together past the reef crest. We ended up diving down 52 feet for about an hour and after going through/refreshing our skills, we broke up into groups and swam around a reef out there. We were all pretty excited to finally be in the water with tanks strapped to our back putting us in a new atmosphere which most people don’t get to experience. Hopefully with all of the other opportunities we get to dive and snorkel, we’ll experience more of these moments which not only take our breath away but also open our eyes into a whole new world.

– Amy

2 thoughts on “04 Jan PM – Eye Opener

  1. Nice Job!
    Sounds like this is a life time experience for you and your team! Take pictures and have a riot!!
    Love, Dad

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