From One Extreme to the Next
Today was the day of our three exams that everyone was dreading. We learned 6 weeks worth of material in only 4 days and boy, were we all stressing. The first two tests were species identification with Joe and John, looking at pictures of fish or coral and identifying them, then going into the wetlab to identify the organisms and plants in our tanks. After that was the lab practical with 50 questions and lots of paper used by everyone. Bonus question? How did this test make you feel if you were a Damsel Fish?
After everyone ate dinner and distressed a few of us went night snorkeling and it was AWESOME. We saw so many different organisms that we can’t always see during the day. Plus we got attacked by the little bait fish that we woke up.
Yellow Stingray
All in all it was a roller coaster day. From people stressing over the exam, to screaming excitedly over the thing we saw on our snorkel. And I will add that time here is way different than home. Most of us forget what day it is and time passes at its own pace.
Bonus Answer: I bet the Damselfish Cultivated A LOT of Algae! LOL Nice to see all your pretty colors on the paper. So proud of you. Glad the really bad stuff is over. I hope all of you have a great time in Ocho Rios tomorrow. Looking forward to more blogs and pics!
Love the McPhillips
If you did half as well with the tests as you did with the Highlighter pens you’re IN!!! Hope that’s it with the stress and the rest is smooth sailing! Enjoy the snorkeling, and don’t forget the sunscreen!
Love Aunt Donna
Nice, have fun
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