A Relaxing End to a Stressful Day
Today was spent studying and taking tests. We have finished all of our lecture material for the semester and all of it came due today. Needless to say it was a very long day. So after a very stressful day of testing a group of us decide to relieve our stress by going out for a night snorkel around the lagoon and reef crest.
Getting out in the water was definitely a nice change from sitting in the classroom with your noses stuck in an identification book. We found there is a whole new suite of fish that come out at night. By far the highlight of the snorkel was the Caribbean Reef Octopus. We also ran into several sea hare’s, some yellow stingrays, cuttlefish, a sharp tailed eel, and some of the largest balloon fish we have seen on the trip. We finished up the night with the whole class out relaxing under the stars enjoying some music. All in all it was a peaceful end to a hectic day.
The larger of the two Caribbean reef octopuses we have seen on the trip so far.
[There'll be a short break in blogging as tomorrow we have an all-day field trip.]
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