Project Proposal Day
There was definitely a sense of excitement around the campus today as all of the groups met with the professors to discuss our ideas for the experiments that we will be conducting throughout the remainder of out stay here in Discovery Bay. After each group met with the professors and had our ideas all organized we set out to start them, some of us in the wet lab and some of us out in the bay. My partner Mike and I set out into the bay to try our best to collect a Balloon fish, however we ran into many different species in our search, such as a Sharp Tail Eel, which is quite frightening to run right into head on.
Sharp Tail Eel encounter in Discovery Bay.
We were out in the water for quite some time searching for our Balloon fish, which we need to carry out our experiment, but as we turned back to head in, I looked down and came across one, which we frantically captured. Afterwards we all sat down for another delicious dinner and then discussed out plans to head into Ochos Rios tomorrow.
– Nick
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