We Have Fun Too!
Even though most of the time here in Jamaica we’re studying or working hard on our projects, we have found time to have some fun as well. After being here for so long all of us have become good friends and really enjoy spending time with each other. Before getting back to work on our projects after lunch, a few of us played some ping pong. It was a nice break from our experiments. At about four o’clock today a lot of us finished snorkeling at about the same time so we were all sitting down by the water. After a little while, Joe and Amber came swimming in from their snorkel trip. They keep those of us on the shore entertained. The fun continued while all of us were waiting for dinner to be ready and decided to have an impromptu professors/ TAs versus undergrads volleyball game. Some of us were better than others but all of us had fun. The profs/ TAs won in a “next point wins” situation but it was a close game that all of us enjoyed. [Ed: 1. The score was probably 10-5 when we called "next point wins" as dinner was ready. It wasn't a close game. Age and wisdom beat youth and inexperience every time.] Overall it was another day of hard work balanced out by fun!
Amir taking on Amy in ping-pong.
Joe put on a show for us by showing us how to properly flip our hair.
The undergrads putting up a fight [i.e. losing badly to their professors] in volleyball.
– Meaghan
What was the score of the ping pong game? Amy’s brother was asking. Watch out for Amy’s serve!!!!
Have fun Guys!!!
I’m starting to wonder if you are all actually going to get on that plane back to NY on Friday! I couldn’t blame you if you didn’t!
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