10 Jan PM – Wha gwan (Hello) from Jamaica

Few days ago we arrived to Jamaica a paradise island on the Caribbean. Where the turquoise and gradient of blue colors greet you from the sea. I came a few hours earlier than everyone coming from New York. I was waiting for my luggage when I hear a group of guys singing such a good song "One Love" from Bob Marley. This song gave me a warm welcome and represents such a good theme from Jamaica to the world. Discover Marine Bay is part of West Indies University and it will be our home for few more weeks. Discovery marine bay has some many things such as good resources, beautiful view, and excellent people that make your every day awesome. Something that I despite my attention is the aquatic life that habit in this area, even though I have not seen everything yet. So much fun is snorkeling. If it is your first time you can be somewhat afraid, but there is nothing to worry about and completely worth it. Also, I can't wait to scuba dive. We have been collecting examples, taking pictures, and learning so much information that everything becomes enjoyable. Finally some key words are: keep eyes wide open, gain all information from the lectures, and take tons of pictures.

Picture #1 Emily and Kaitlyn taking some pictures, but the cameras were leaking ohh noo!


Picture #2 School of ocean surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus) swimming around someone's research


2 thoughts on “10 Jan PM – Wha gwan (Hello) from Jamaica

  1. Sounds like an amazing time there. If you get the chance, don’t forget to study the aquatic life that can be found inland as well. Jamaica is a beautiful island with equally beautiful life on it. Please continue to post as I find what you have written to be very interesting. Have a great time Jose!

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