12 Jan PM – Nothing Beats Scuba Diving

The morning begins with the panging ring of my alarm clock. With only five hours of sleep three nights in a row, nothing, not even the promise of a familiar homemade Caribbean breakfast could get me out of bed. As the Jamaicans would say it, I was not “feeling ire.” I hit the snooze button and fell quickly back into my bed and felt an overwhelming feeling of bliss once my head touched the pillow. Five more minutes of rest sounded heavenly. Then there was a loud knock at the door. “You guys want to go for a dive? “ said Joe. “Oh no,” I thought. “Not now.” I wanted to say no, I really did, but the idea of possibly never being able to scuba dive in Jamaica again overcame me. So I got out of bed, sluggishly walked to the dock and assembled my gear. Not only could I not strap my B.C to my air tank, I also put the regulator on incorrectly. My exhaustion was showing. How embarrassing. Once we reached the dive site, I looked over the boat and saw the bottom of the ocean floor. A good dive was guaranteed with high visibility. But then, something happened that I hadn’t accounted for. I forgot about my motion sickness pills and seasickness was my worst enemy. I quickly suited up and prepared for my jump. As I entered the water, all exhaustion, seasickness, worry and negativity was carried away by the waves of the water. I was in a whole new world and I couldn’t wait to explore it. Once I reached the ocean floor, I saw things I had never imagined seeing. From bright Blue Chromis to spikey Lionfish, the creatures at the coral reef were absolutely stunning. When I emerged from the water, I couldn’t believe that I was about to miss out on this opportunity. Though I became sea sick nearly five minutes after stepping on the boat and threw up, in the end, it was all worth it.

Richard_so fuzzy

So fluffy

Richard_rock lobstah

It wasn’t a rock, it was a rock LOBSTAH

  Richard_hey divers

Hey divers!


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