14 Jan AM – The Best Wake up: A Morning Dive

Going from winter break at home to having to wake up early to start a day full of strenuous diving, snorkeling and lectures that challenge our minds, waking up each morning has not been an easy thing to do. However, it is a whole lot easier when you can look forward to seeing bright colors and interesting creatures as soon as you step off the boat to SCUBA dive. Some of the most interesting finds I have made have been the colored sponges that we saw diving in a location known as The Dairy Bull. The massive size of some of the sponges and bright colors stand out easily from everything else and are incredible to see. Reefs in this area were also much larger and vast than others we have seen so far here and it seems impossible to fulfill my need to explore every inch of these reefs (because it actually is impossible). There is no telling what other interesting creatures could be around the corner waiting for us to stop by for a visit on our future dives, but I know each dive will be bringing new and exciting things.

Breeanne_FeatherBlack, PinkVase

On the left, a Feather Black Coral sways with the current. On the right, a Pink Vase Sponge shows off its color that stands out from the surrounding corals.


This Yellow Tube Sponge grows straight up toward the light in order to prevent being buried by sediments.


The Loggerhead sponge on the right has a prickly outside to protect it from predators.


4 thoughts on “14 Jan AM – The Best Wake up: A Morning Dive

  1. wow awesome pics of the sponges. their shapes and colors are so different. How far down did you dive to see them

  2. Great pictures. Can’t wait to see more when you get home. Please remember not to chase the Bear. 🙂

  3. Feel like I’m there and congratulations to all for getting certified. Nice job!!!
    Megan’s Mom

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