Our time here in Jamaica is drawing closer and closer to the end, but there is so much yet to be done. Yesterday marked the beginning of our last set of experiments which meant it was time to set free all our urchins that would not be needed for the rest of our experiments here (we may have gone overboard with the urchin collecting). With our last set of experiments in progress we will soon begin to analyze all the data we have been collecting over the past week. All our hard work will hopefully pay off and give us what we need to create a great presentation and great papers, the main reason we came here.
Yeah, just a bit overboard…
Happy to set the little guys back out into the world.
Kaitlyn saying goodbye. She is much sadder than she appears.
Just because projects have entered crunch time doesn’t mean we still can’t discover new and exciting things. There is still so much snorkeling and diving to do before leaving and I am really hoping on one of our outings we will see a sea turtle! [Ed: Some of us saw one on this morning's dive at Rio Bueno.] Finding new things every time I enter the water is the best thing about being here.
– Breeanne
That’s the same look I see on Katie’s face while exiting the front door on her way back to her apartment-a true glimmer of sadness.
wow its over already. Hope you learned alot. I know I did
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