21 Jan PM – With Fronds like these who needs Anemones

[Ed: The title of this post may have won best/worst ever pun for the course…]

The last couple days have been really exciting. We have taken a few field trips off the Discovery Bay Marine Lab campus. We climbed up a waterfall and went shopping in Ocho Rios where some of us mastered the art of bartering. We also ventured off campus a few days later to walk through the Green Grotto Cave. It is one of the largest caves in the world. There we saw many bats, fossils, and even a snake. Later we walked across the street and had some delicious jerk chicken. It has been awesome getting to experience some of the other parts of Jamaica with everyone here.


Pretty underground lake.


Pretty people in the cave.


3 thoughts on “21 Jan PM – With Fronds like these who needs Anemones

  1. Excellent pun! Accolades from New Jersey. Safe trip back for all. Sorry to say, we have about 14″ of snow at the moment, so enjoy your last full day of warmth and sunshine.

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