21 Jan AM – The Last Snorkel

As the days are winding down, we’re preparing to say goodbye to our beautiful, mini educational vacation in Jamaica. Every day since we arrived, we’ve done some kind of water activity. So it’s only fair that we keep up that traditional until we leave. A few of us went for one last snorkel dive before we get ready to leave. For once, we don’t have to identify every green algae we see. I did see a barracuda, though! Unfortunately, I didn’t get a good picture so you’re just going to have to trust me on this one. Overall, it was nice to just relax and fully enjoy the beauty that Discovery Bay has to offer.


Photo 1

Mandatory underwater snorkel selfie

Photo 2

Jamaican rainbow all the way

Photo 3

Good thing I’m not majoring in photography. You can see the barracuda, right?

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