21 Jan PM – Secret Cave (don’t tell anyone)

Once upon a time, our awesome boat captain, Mr. O’Neil, told us divers about a super-secret cavern entrance just beyond Discovery Bay. This morning our dive group set sail (or motor) to this cave. The sea seemed calm from the marine station but was actually quite rough once we got further out into the open ocean. As usual, putting on all our gear (including dive lights for the cave) was a hassle due to the rocking boat. Once every diver was in the water, our professor Brad Peterson led the way to the cave with me right behind him. The cave entrance was difficult to see at first because of all the sediment uproar, but as soon as I saw it I was stunned. The entrance was so small! Brad went straight into the cave so I had no time to look back in confusion to the rest of the group. Due to the surges underwater, I was thrown into the cave very quickly behind Brad. The cave way started out very narrow with smooth rocks and eventually opened up into an expanse that was about six feet above our heads. After about a minute of swimming we reached our final destination that was a small air pocket at sea-level located inside the cave. There were stalagmites on the roof of the cave which was pretty cool to see. After about ten minutes of cave shenanigans we left and spent the rest of our dive exploring the reef of Dairy Bull. Well it’s time to go, and soon we’ll all be back in cold New York. See ya there!


Three guys in a cave.   

– Mike

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