21 Jan AM – Our day in Ocho Rios

My plate of fried chicken and rice and beans did not disappoint.

My plate of fried chicken and rice and beans did not disappoint.

With the two weeks coming to an end, the vibe is beginning to change very slightly in our group. With tests coming up, assignments due, and the thought of returning to chilly New York are filling our minds, the stress level in many students is increasing. A field trip to Dunns River Falls and Ocho Rios was exactly what we needed to return to our state of pure relaxation that we were experiencing from day one. The first part of the trip began at Dunns River Falls, where we hiked up the waterfalls (yes, actually in the water falls). After drying off and changing, we headed over to the city of Ocho Rios.

Phenix, Andrew, Albert and myself enjoying our lunch in Ocho Rios.

Phenix, Andrew, Albert and myself enjoying our lunch in Ocho Rios.

Here, we had the opportunity to shop around, get lunch, and experience Jamaica. We split up into groups and began our adventure. Since we were all starving, my group and I decided to immediately look for somewhere to have lunch. After much searching for the perfect spot, we came across a tiny restaurant with a small menu written on a white board. We decided to give it a shot and I am glad that we did. The food was DELICIOUS! Some of my classmates took the opportunity to try curry goat. I stuck to what I know and got the fried chicken dish. Regardless of our choices, we were all very happy with our meals. After we finished up lunch (and only slightly struggled to figure out the proper tip in Jamaican dollars), we walked across the way and found an ice cream shop. I was too full from lunch, however, others treated themselves to ice cream cones and sundaes. We finished up our time in Ocho Rios experiencing the straw market and shopping. Dont worry mom, I bought you something, too. Now we’re back on campus and ready to continue our hard work. I couldn’t have asked for a better day with the best people around.

Stopped at an ice cream shop!

Stopped at an ice cream shop!


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