04 Jan 2018 – What day is it ?

We departed the US on Jan 3rd and landed on Jan 5th here in Nadi. And it was only an 11 hr flight. So in addition to jet lag, most of us are trying to figure out what day it is, or is today actually tomorrow.

But Fiji is warm and sunny, and we’re waiting on our next flight to Kadavu. Thankfully all students and luggage made it to Nadi (which hasn’t been the case in some years).

Groggy, but warm, MAR 388 is here in Fiji.

Prof. Warren

03 Jan 2018 – Storm ? What storm ?

We expect to see very little of this during MAR 388 this January.

And so another year of tropical marine ecology (MAR 388) at Stony Brook University begins. Through shear blind luck, we have managed to assemble at the Los Angeles airport before the winter storm arrived in Long Island. We still have a long ways to go: 11 hr flight crossing the dateline, a layover in Nadi, another flight, and a boat trip await us before we arrive at Matava on the island of Kadavu, Fiji.

So stay tuned for updates from the students, although were uncertain on our level of internet access on Kadavu, so the posts may be a bit irregular in their updates.

Stay warm everybody back in NY!
Profs. Warren and Peterson