03 Jan – First Two Days of the Trip

After a long day of traveling, our group arrived in Jamaica yesterday, January 2nd. The next day, we were ready to check out the water. Before our first in-person lecture, the scuba divers and snorkelers split up to explore Discovery Bay. Here, we took a closer look at the many species inhabiting this beautiful area. From snorkeling alone, we were able to view likely over eighty different species of coral we have yet to learn to identify. This occasion was the first time I have snorkeled in six years, and it was an incredibly strong reintroduction. I was opened back up to a world I hadn’t experienced in many years, and this trip is sure to stick in my mind for many more years to come.

An image I took of Siderastrea siderea (a massive starlet coral) in Discovery Bay with some small anemones living at the bottom.

While I’m still getting used to using my camera underwater, I’m grateful I was able to capture this experience.
