08 Jan – Snorkel and Study

The stress is high here at the Discovery Bay Marine Lab, as our species identification exam is quickly approaching. Everyone has been studying very hard to get a good grade, but all of us are still scared. As ordered by the professors, though, we have all been trying to relax as much as possible to not let anxieties get too high. As I have been studying outside everyday with some classmates and the cats, the snorkel adventures have also continued. Yesterday, Dr. Peterson took the snorkelers over the reef crest before breakfast and it was literally like entering another universe. We got to see things we’ve never seen before and watching both the sunrise above water and the sights under water were unreal!

Colby Jack the cat, as named by some of us, supporting me in my species identification studies.

Snorkeling at sunrise past the reef crest and finding a West Indian Sea Egg

Ready for another great snorkel!

Later in the day, some of us took a walk on the boardwalk that went right along the water. This morning, Rose and I went on a morning snorkel, the last one before the exam, and we had the most amazing meal for lunch… spaghetti and meatballs of course! After taking the last lecture quiz, the class has been fitting in some last minute naps and studies before the test, in addition to laying out in the sun. We are all excited to finish up this exam and get ready to go to the waterfall and into town tomorrow!

Pierogi Paxton