11 Jan – A Rocky Day

Yesterday was probably the most stressful day out of the entire trip so far. An exam was scheduled for that evening. Unsurprisingly, stress levels were high. The day started out with an interruption to my plans. As my partner Sarah and I prepared to collect data for our project we found out there was not enough transects for everyone. Then Dr. Warren took our transect to give to a scuba diving group. Disappointed we waited for a transect to become available. About an hour later a transect was free to use. However, by the time we swam out to the data collection site the sea was rough. Each wave filled our snorkels preventing air circulation.

Equipment used for data collection. Waterproof paper and clipboard on the left. Transect with weight on the right.

After a long and somewhat painful data collection process we headed in for lunch. For lunch we had one of my favorite dishes, Jamaican patties. The patties came in a variety of different fillings. I had the traditional beef patty. The spiced beef in combination with the golden outside crust was wonderful. I also scored myself a left-over vegetable patty made with Callaloo a common vegetable found in the Caribbean.

With our bellies full a group of us went outside to study for our exam. We quizzed each other under the warm blue skies. There was also a group of vultures hanging out at the helicopter pad nearby. After an afternoon of studying, it was time for dinner and the exam. Hopefully the exam will be easy and tomorrow a smoother day.

Vultures gathering on the helicopter pad nearby where we were studying.

  • Mooncake Michelle