14 Jan – And that’s a wrap.

So when this blog posts, the class will (hopefully) be in the air on our way back to NY (and/or other final destinations).  While none of us are prepared for the 50-60 F temperature drop that the forecast is suggesting, the instructors do want to thank this year’s class for another adventure under (and above) the waters here in Jamaica.

We’ve taught this class for more than a decade and a half and each trip is similar in some ways, and different in others.  But it’s never a dull time.  It’s very rewarding as an educator to read the student’s blog posts and see their thrill and excitement after sampling what field research in the marine sciences can be like.

I think this photo does a nice job of capturing how amazing our classroom is and what the student (I think it’s Paxton, but can’t see the fins clearly) experience is like in Jamaica for this course. [Ed note: Kristina says it’s her, not Paxton.  My bad!]

Stay tuned for next year’s adventure and follow the class instagram account (@tropical.stonybrook) where the students 10 best photos will be appearing over the next couple of weeks.

Profs. Warren and Peterson

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