04 Jan – We woke up in Jamaica and came face to face with a web burrfish

Web burrfish (Chilomycterus antillarum) seen among the turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum)

Today we had our inaugural snorkel this morning led by our Professors Warren (Java Joe) and Peterson (Baklava Brad). Professor Warren helped me adjust my snorkel mask, thank you, and off we went! I stayed in the water for close to two hours with my snorkel buddy and roommate Kiwi Kiyanni. My roommates and I had not had our fill of snorkeling and after lunch so we went back in the bay. Our second snorkel of the day we had low visibility and went through a large cold pool that had freshwater mixing with the salt water making the water cloudy. We snorkeled over reef patches for a while and realized the water was pretty shallow so we turned around. On our way back we spent some time snorkeling over turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) and saw several species of note but most exciting on our way back to the dock we saw a web burrfish (Chilomycterus antillarum) I had seen a web burrfish with Kiyanni on our first snorkel today but due to some technical difficulties I was unable to use my camera. Professor Warren helped me fix said difficulties and I was snapping away on our second snorkel trip. After dinner today Professor Warren also helped me identify the web burrfish, I was under the impression it was a balloon fish but one of the ID books helped determine it was a web burrfish.

Web burrfish courtesy of Tomato Tegan

Hamburger Hannah