05 Jan – My First Snorkel Trip

As a public policy major, most people were surprised when I said I was going to Jamaica to study marine life. However, I’m someone who loves to swim and finds a variety of topics interesting, so when I heard about this program, I jumped at the chance to learn about reef species. Although the swimming was some of the most strenuous in my life, I was exhilarated by my first snorkeling trip. Armed with my camera, I was ready to see some cool species. One of the coolest species I saw was the queen conch, or Strombus gigas, which is considered threatened by overfishing.

Professor Warren holding a queen conch (Strombus gigas)

I’m looking forward to what other species I might find on future snorkeling trips. One that I’m really hoping to see is the caribbean reef squid, or Sepioteuthis sepioidea, since I have never seen a squid in the wild before.

– Lauren