15 Jan – MAR388 loves excel!

Day 12 was spent mostly on finishing up our transect project! My partner, Kiwi Kiyanni, and I started our morning by collecting one last transect in the back reef. It was such a beautiful day, and we saw some really cool stuff, including a spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) and a giant anemone (condylactis gigantea) that was upside down! After finishing up our last transect, I spent the rest of the day with the class working on the transect statistics on excel as well as the fish count video project Dr. Peterson gave us. It was really cool to see all the fish and other creatures that came to check out the camera Dr. Peterson set up (including a sea slug!).

(Blurry) photo of the spotted eagle ray!

Upside down anemone! The red part is what is usually attached to the ocean floor


-Lime Liana