12 Jan AM – Night Snorkeling is Amazing

The last few days have been a bit stressful because of the amount of activity we’ve been doing. We go from lecture, to snorkel, to lecture, to the wet lab. But I wouldn’t like it any other way because I would feel as if I was missing out. Discovery Bay Marine Lab is a beautiful place and I can’t get over the fact that we have to go collecting different species of fish, inverts, and plants right at our door step. I’ve never been so excited to pick up algae try to identify fish in my life. The most memorable times so far were when I was snorkeling near a dusky damselfish and it got all up in the camera and really close to my face. Another memorable experience was when we were by the red mangroves and there was a school of reading herring. They looked like a wall and it was very awesome to watch. Finally, the most memorable experience so far was the night snorkel we did yesterday. At night, we got to see all different types of fish and inverts that aren’t out during the day. The only thing I wish is that I would have charged my camera because I didn’t get any pictures of the sting ray or the lobsters.


The Angry Dusky Damselfish. This was a screenshot I got from a video I was taking while the Dusky Damselfish (Stegastes adustus) got very territorial and tried to kick me out.  


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