05 Jan – Watching the Sunrise

While it has been an adjustment waking up at 6:00 am every morning to make sure we have enough time to each get ready for breakfast at 7:15 am, it’s already gotten a bit easier only two days in. This morning my roommates and I were ready about 20 minutes early so we decided to start our day by going to watch the sunrise over the water. It was amazing to see how calm the water was and how the water got bluer the more the sun rose. After breakfast a few of us went for a morning snorkeling trip and decided we had enough time before lunch to head out to the reef crest. We were able to see a spotted eagle ray (again!!), barracudas, and a ton of corals with itty bitty fishies hiding out as soon as they spotted us. A night snorkel is definitely in planning between a group of us to see just what kinds of animals come out and lurk around the marine lab at night. Overall, we’ve had an amazing start to the trip and I can’t wait to see what else we’ll be able to see as the days go on.

The sunrise on January 4th as the day started with a few of us taking in the view of the super pretty calm and blue waters.

A well camouflaged flounder that we excitedly spotted while snorkeling out to the reef crest on January 4th.

– clementine camille