Today has been a little bit of a stressful day here in the beautiful Jamaica. Most of us made the best of it by studying outside in the sunshine with our toes in the water. Tomorrow the class has a Photo ID exam that has two parts- pictures and physical identification from the species we collected for our wet lab teams (GO TEAM YA’ MON!). We also have a Lab Practical Exam that will cover material we have learned in lecture. Most of us are feeling a little overwhelmed because it is a lot of material to cover and memorize but we have been assured by teachers and supervisors that it will be worth it when we can go out in the field and really understand what we are looking at. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that we are all very excited and will be very proud of ourselves when we can identify a majority of the species we will be seeing here for the next 10 days! But as we all copied down around 85 species common names and their corresponding scientific names for tomorrow’s tests, we decided to relax with a nice cold beverage and some laughs.
Studying? for an exam ?
– Clara
Really cool pic.. Outside in the sunshine with toes in the water, take away the studying, sounds like the place to be. Go team YA’ MON!.
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