Jan. 4th

We started the day today with another healthy and delicious meal made by are beloved cooks, and then headed out on the water to make the first dive of the day. Chris G, Brad P and I went on a lovely dive own to about 30 feet at a location that we had not visited yet. I forgot the name but it was a nice 25 minute boat ride down the coast. I was happy to see a bit more life at the location then I had seen the day before right off of the marine lab. The rest of the group went on a snorkel in the surrounding waters where they took more pictures for there ID list. On the dive I was lucky enough to have a troop of six sergeant majors follow me for the whole dive about six inches from my face, and also had the pleasure of feeling what it is like to be bitten repeatedly by a Damsel fish, but don’t worry they are only three inches long and it didn’t hurt. The contrast between the sandy bottom and the coral heads was amazing and made the dive worth it, along with the small spotted sting ray and what I like to call the Elvis Presley fish. The rest of the day was full of fun lectures and a nice little trip into a small local town where we got to buy anything we might have forgotten and got to go hang out at a local beach. While at the beach I had a fun time drawing in the sand with a local boy named Dilon, he took it upon himself to draw a picture of each of us in the sand which made us all laugh. After dinner and a lecture some of us went on a night snorkel where people collected some specimens for the wet lab. Though no one topped the octopus from yesterday, some urchins and other small creatures were obtained. This is Colin Casey signing off and GO PATRIOTS.

5 thoughts on “Jan. 4th

  1. Ann Marie, this sound so great. I heard you swam with your sea turtle, WOW what a time that must have been. Can’t wait to hear all about your trip. It’s nice being able to keep up with things that are going on using this BLOG.
    Keep in touch.
    Uncle Frank

  2. wow that sounds super fun! mr. casey you are sooo great, i am your biggest fan. i am only allowed to snorkle in my bathtub but one day hope to dive like you!!!

  3. Hey Bro,
    Sounds like you are having a blast. Hope the new year is treating you well. Keep up the writing. I can’t wait to see all the pictures when you get back. I enjoyed the pic of you in a tank top. stellar. Good luck.

  4. sounds excellent. what’s your project and how is it going? Is there any surf? I’m sure you’re busy but there’s always time for a ride.

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