Week 12 – Presentations – (4/25/14)


20140425_142603_Engineering Dr

We started our final presentations this week for our internship class. Our presentation topic with TLT with Chuck Powell, so my teammate, Victoria, and I were quite nervous. However, our practice presentation with Tara was really helpful. She gave us some helpful advice and we became a little more confident about our presentation. Our experience with Google sites was a bit frustrating due to the lack of variability, but it was overall a very fun experience. You check out our website here: TLT with Chuck.

For mentor hours, I was able to help a few users with problems concerning WolfieNet and Print From Anywhere. Rose always mentioned that there are times when users don’t even know what they need help with, so it was our job to figure it out. This was my “ah” moment. An user who called said she was having issues with Print From Anywhere, but it was actually just a WolfieNet problem. She had issues connecting to WolfieNet-Secure, so it was causing problems for Print From Anywhere. In the end, I was able to successfully resolve both issues. I was also working on the Intern Exam Ryan created with my mentors. The exam had a lot of questions that was similar to the Level 1 exam. Most of the exam was familiar to me, but it help clarify a few things.


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